Understanding the organisation - purpose of a business and what is a brand promise. Organisation’s core values and the service culture. Internal policies & procedures and digital media policies. Legislation and regulatory requirements that affect your business.
Meeting regulations and legislation - Know the appropriate legislation and regulatory requirements. Your responsibility in relation to this and how to apply it when delivering service.
Systems and resources - how to use systems, equipment and technology to meet the needs of your customers. Types of measurement and evaluation tools available to monitor customer service levels.
Product and service knowledge - products or services that are available from your organisation and keep up to date.
Influencing skills - Provide clear explanations and offer options in order to help customers make choice that are mutually beneficial to both the customer and your organisation.
Personal organisation - Provide clear explanations and offer options in order to help customers make choices that are mutually beneficial to both the customer and your organisation.
Dealing with customer conflict and challenge - Demonstrate patience and calmness. Show you understand the customer’s point of view. Use appropriate signposting or resolution to meet your customers’ needs and manage expectations Maintain informative communication during service recovery.
Developing self - Take ownership for time keeping, your service knowledge and skills up to date. Consider personal goals and propose development that would help achieve them.
Being open to feedback - Act on and seek feedback from others to develop or maintain personal service skills and knowledge.
Team working - Frequently and consistently communicate and work with others in the interest of helping customers efficiently. Share personal learning and case studies with others, presenting recommendations, and improvement to support good practice. Frequently and consistently communicate and work with others in the interest of helping customers efficiently. Share personal learning and case studies with others, presenting
recommendations, and improvement to support good practice.